Event box
Earth Day Mapathon

- Tuesday, April 22, 2025
- 4:00pm–6:00pm
- Morris Library, Room 116A
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About this Event
Contribute to the humanitarian relief effort in climate change prone areas!
What is a Mapathon?
A Mapathon is where people from all backgrounds work together to add data to maps in areas of need.
Why map?
Mapping with OpenStreetMap is a great way to contribute to international humanitarian aid without leaving your room!
Where do we map?
Anywhere in the world! But we give priority to areas in need of disaster relief. This event will focus on climate change in the Philippines.
What do you need?
All you need is a laptop and internet connection! OpenStreetMap is an online tool, so no software is necessary. OSM is easy to learn, no mapping experience is required!
Sponsors include: Epsilon Eta; Earth, Ocean, Environment Club; EWB UD; Geology Club and the Library, Museums and Press.