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Introduction to R: Free, Open and Powerful Statistical Software

Introduction to R: Free, Open and Powerful Statistical Software
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Daniel Peart
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There are 41 seats available.

About this Event

Do you work with a lot of data in your research? R is an open-source statistical tool that helps researchers with data manipulation, analysis and visualization.

During this workshop, you will get a base-level introduction to the R statistical program and language and how it can support your project. You will learn how to load and work with datasets, run basic R commands, visualize your data, write basic scripts, and run summary statistics.

This workshop is designed for those who have never used R before. Please be sure to download R and RStudio, both of which are freely available, on your own computer in advance of the workshop.

Daniel Peart, data services librarian, will lead the workshop.

This virtual workshop is open to the public. It is co-sponsored by the Graduate College.

Registration is required. Once registered, you will receive an email with details on how to join the workshop via Zoom. The workshop will be recorded.

Location Map

No Geolocation available for event.