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Introduction to EndNote Online and the Web of Science

Introduction to EndNote Online and the Web of Science
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
William Simpson
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There are 13 seats available.

About this Event

Looking for an easy way to format citations, reference lists and bibliographies for your research paper or thesis? Turn to the citation tool EndNote Online, a powerful tool that many students and faculty find makes the often-daunting task of managing bibliographies simple.

During this workshop, you will be introduced to the platform, get set up in EndNote, and have time for guided practice. You will learn how to export references from popular research databases in the sciences, such as the Web of Science; and discover how to organize and share your references and format citations and bibliographies. You'll also explore how to use the Cite While You Write plugin to insert citations and bibliographies into Microsoft Word or Office 365.

William Simpson, associate librarian for engineering and mathematical sciences, will lead the workshop.

This virtual workshop is open to UD students, faculty and staff. It is co-sponsored by the Graduate College. For more information on the citation tool, check out the Library’s EndNote Online research guide.

Registration is required. Once registered, you will receive an email with details on how to join the workshop via Zoom. The workshop will not be recorded.

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