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AI Info and Demo Session

AI Info and Demo Session
Monday, April 29, 2024
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About this Event

Are you curious about generative artificial intelligence, how it can be leveraged in your classroom, and what pitfalls and promises it might hold for student learning and your teaching? Join the UD AI Working Group to explore the opportunities and challenges of integrating generative AI into your teaching practice.

This virtual event will highlight insights gathered throughout an AI seminar series held this past year and feature lightning talks by UD faculty who have firsthand experience implementing these cutting-edge tools into their teaching. Following the presentations, you will have the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of adopting generative AI tools with a community of your peers.

The session will provide you with a grounding in the functions of at least on generative AI teaching tool and how those functions can contribute to an improved teaching, learning or assessment experience for your students.

This event is led by the UD AI Working Group. For more information and to stay informed about upcoming events, visit the AI for Teaching and Learning website.

Location Map

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